You can use either of the two methods below:

Generated cron entry:

Generated cron entry:


Each field uses numbers, but the following special characters can also appear:

* : Means to match any value in this field. If you use * in the month field, it means that an event will be triggered every minute.

? : It can only be used in two fields: day (month) and day (week). It also matches any value of the domain, but it does not. Because day (month) and day (week) will affect each other. For example, if you want to trigger scheduling on the 20th of each month, regardless of the day of the week on the 20th, you can only use the following writing: 13 13 15 20 *?, Where the last digit can only be used? , But cannot use *. If you use *, it will trigger regardless of the day of the week, which is actually not the case.

- : Indicates the range. For example, if 5-20 is used in the second field, it means that the trigger will occur every minute from 5 minutes to 20 minutes.

/ : It means that the trigger starts at the start time, and then it is triggered every fixed time. For example, if 5/20 is used in the sub-domain, it means that the trigger is once every 5 minutes, and the 25, 45, etc. trigger once respectively.

, : Indicates that enumerated values are listed. For example, if you use 5,20 in MINUTE field, it means that it will be triggered every minute at 5 and 20 minutes.

L : It means the last, it can only appear in the day (month) and day (week) fields. If 5L is used in the day (week) field, it means it will be triggered on the last Thursday.

W : Indicates effective working days (Monday to Friday), which can only appear in the day (month) field, and the system will trigger the event on the effective working day closest to the specified date. For example: use 5W on day (month), if the 5th is a Saturday, it will trigger on the nearest working day: Friday, that is, the 4th. If the 5th is Sunday, it will be triggered on the 6th (Monday); if the 5th is a day from Monday to Friday, it will be triggered on the 5th.

LW : These two characters can be used together to indicate the last working day of a month, that is, the last Friday.

# :Used to determine the day of the week of each month, it can only appear in the DAY or MONTH field. For example, 4#2 means the second Wednesday of a certain month.